Robert Morris
Team City:
Ramat Hasharon
Diante Watkins
Birthdate: July 5, 1990
Team: Ramat Hasharon, Israel National League 2022-23
Weight: 74kg
Height: 174cm

Turned Pro: 09/12
Shoe size: 43
Number: 6
Average points
per game:
Average steals
per game:
Average assists
per game:
Average rebounds
per game:
39% 3pt (66-168)
A great organizer and can control his team as a true backcourt quarterback. Possesses an extremely high basketball IQ. Swings easily into the role of scoring guard if he has too and has great offensive ability. Possesses range out to the NBA three point line. A tireless worker who leads by example. Creates with the ball very well and causes real trouble for opposing teams when he gets into the lane and is able to make decisions for easy buckets. If not challenged in the lane he can get to the hoop and finish against bigger players. Makes all the players around him better as he puts the ball in their hands at the right time to maximize their ability to score on the offensive end.
Diante #6white - 23pts, 5rebs, 6ast, 5-12 3pt
Czarni vs Jamtland- FIBA Euro Cup 2022/23
Diante #6green - 25pts, 3rebs, 5ast, 1stl
Manisa vs Balikesir- TBL 2021-22
Diante #6green - 27pts, 4rebs, 4ast, 1stl,
Manisa vs Mersin- TBL 2021-22. (4-7 3pt)
Diante #6green - 23pts, 4rebs, 6ast, 5stl,
Manisa vs Mamak- TBL 2021-22
2023-24 Israel National league - Ramat Hasharon:
2022-23 Israel National league - Ramat Hasharon: 20.6ppg, 4.8rpg, 7.0apg, FG 49%, 3PT 39%(66-168), FT 85%
2022-23 FIBA Euro Cup - Slupsk: 17.0ppg, 3.5rpg, 4.0apg, 3PT 41%(7-17), FT 90% (2 games qualifications)
2022-23 Poland EBL - Slupsk: 11.1ppg, 3.3rpg, 6.6apg, FG 41%, 3PT 29%(13-45), FT 82% (7 games)
2021-22 Turkey TBL - Manisa: 18.7ppg, 2.6rpg, 5.6apg, 2.0spg, FG 56%, 3PT 37%(67-183), FT 85%
2020-21 Turkey TBL - Mamak: 19.3ppg, 3.6rpg, 7.5apg, 1.1spg, FG 55%, 3PT 37%(61-163), FT 81%
2019-20 Turkey TBL - Gemlik: 23.2ppg, 4.6rpg, 7.8apg, 1.6spg, FG 49%, 3PT 35%(66-190), FT 87%
2018-19 France N1 - Union Tours: 17.1ppg, 2.7rpg, 4.5apg, 1.4spg, FG 57%, 3PT 38%(69-182), FT 87%
2017-18 France N1 - Boulogne: 15.2ppg, 2.8rpg, 5.7apg, 2.2spg, FG 48%, 3PT 38%, FT 91%
2016-17 Germany ProA - Nurnburg: 17.1ppg, 2.7rpg, 4.7apg, 1.9spg, FG 47%, 3PT 41%, FT 89%
2014-15 Germany ProB - Rist Wedel: 21.2ppg, 3.8rpg, 6.8apg, 3.2spg, FG 43%, 3PT 32%, FT 87%
2022 Turkey TBL Regular Season Champions
2022 All Eurobasket Honorable Mention Team TBL
2021 All Eurobasket Second Team All TBL
2019 All Eurobasket France N1 Guard of the year
2019 All Eurobasket France N1 First team
2016 All Eurobasket Germany ProA Guard of the year
2015 All Eurobasket Germany ProB MVP
2012 NAIA National Player of the year
2012 NAIA All American First Team
2011 NAIA All American First Team
2010 Juco All American First Team